I’ve been tagged! Blog Hop Interview

A little while ago I was tagged by the lovely Dennis Higgins, a man with a penchant for writing about time travel with his Time Pilgrims Series, to complete this series of interview questions and then tag more authors to keep the post hopping along.

You can find out all about Dennis and his series by reading his blog hop post HERE.

Read on to find my answers to the interview questions:

1. What are you working on right now?

Phoenix: The Beauty in Between. It’s the companion novel to my romance A Beautiful Forever.

2. How does it differ from other works in its genre?

It is a part of a romance series, but it’s anything but. It follows the life of Paige, who was thrown out of home at a young age and was forced to do everything she could to survive. The point of this book is to show readers Paige’s journey before they met her in A Beautiful Forever, it will have a hopeful ending as it will take them on her journey up until she meets the hero of Forever.

3. Why do you write what you do?

Would you believe that little people are living in my head and won’t be quiet until I write down their story? … No?

Ok, I write what I do because I’m in love with love and I’m in love with the journeys people embark on to find themselves.

What is it that makes a person think they aren’t worthy of others? What is it that makes someone think that they are more deserving than others. What is it that makes two people who are so different choose each other?

I like to show that love, caring and patience can make all the difference in someone’s life and give them the strength to move on.

4. How does your writing process work?

I’m constantly thinking about my stories and how I want them to go. Normally, I sit down with my husband and talk through what I’m planning for the story. I know that he will be straight with me and ask me lots of questions to uncover plot holes and any inconsistencies that I may not have looked at.

Then I sit down and write. I write the story from start to finish. This first draft is my bones.

I then go back to the beginning and start again, adding the flesh and giving the story more life.

I make lots of notes when new ideas pop into my head or if I realise I forgot something and I organise them throughout the story as I work back through it. It’s very rare that I will go backwards, but occasionally, I’ll wake up in the morning and realise that I need to change everything I wrote the day before.

Thank you for the tag, Dennis! Good luck with your WIP! 

In addition, I am tagging the following authors. Be sure to check out their blog posts next Monday!

Monique McDonell – http://moniquemcdonell.weebly.com/blog.html

Ronnie Strong –  http://ronniestrong.com/ 

Aviva Scott – http://www.avscott.com/


Filed under Information, New Release, Sharing the love

5 responses to “I’ve been tagged! Blog Hop Interview

  1. I knew I tagged the right person. Lilliana Anderson’s writing is wonderful with just the right amount of spice. A great author.


  2. Pingback: Blog Post Hop | ronnie strong

  3. Pingback: I’ve been tagged! Blog Hop Interview. | Below See Level

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